Old Enough to Know Better

I’m excited to be part of the exhibition “Old Enough to Know Better” juried by Eileen Neff and Diane Burko, sponsored by the Women’s Caucus for Art, Philadelphia at Crane Arts Gallery 105. It’s a wonderful exhibition featuring 67 art works by mid-career and emerging women, and women-identified, artists 35 years and older. The opening reception was Thursday, November 12th, 2015 and the exhibition run through November 28th.

Below is my 25 second video in the exhibition. Many of the nearby works are paintings, drawings and photographs of the natural environment. For me, it provided a meditative experience, a welcomed respite from the busyness of the everyday.

BabyOprep couldn’t join us, having had his 6 month shots earlier that evening, making him very tired. Fortunately the grandparents on dad’s side were on call to take care of him for a couple of hours.